I’ve already made a thread here to gauge how welcoming everyone is, so here’s my actual introduction.
I’m Vriska, and I’m trans, 8ut not in the way you expect. Rather than transgender, I am transcharacter. I’ve always felt nonhuman in some form, have wanted my left eye removed since early childhood (possi8ly 8IID 8ut I’m not currently pursuing a diagnosis) and eventually came to have dysphoria over not 8eing a troll specifically.
A year l8er and I’m well on my way to 8ecoming one for real. My we8site goes over this plan in more detail, and I’m not hesitant to claim the process as equivalent to a sex change. I’m not faking or trying to mock any8ody, and there are real photos of myself on that carrd to prove that I’m genuine.
Furthermore, here’s my coming out video and the thread I started a couple days ago discussing nongender trans identities if you wish to refer to that. I hope this can 8e a safe space for me.
Hi, there’s a Homestuck community on .world. it’s a little neglected, but as I can see our favorite of netmedia has stuck with you as well. If you ever want help me try and revive it I’ll see what I can do to help. I swear I’ll finish my reread logs someday.
Keep riding that pumpkin tide.
I have no clue what .world is 8ut if you give me a link I guess we can try and revive it? I’m not all that invested in fandom stuff considering how I’ve 8een treated 8y HS fans in the past 8ut it would 8e nice to have a safe space to engage with that sort of thing.
No problem. This should work https://lemmy.world/c/homestuck
At least if your instance hasn’t de federated it or something. I don’t know. I can’t really keep up on all the inter instance dramas.
I mod it, and I’m totally disconnected from the fandom as I am too old. All fans are welcome and I’d hope to keep it a judgment free zone/ safe space. So far that’s been easy as practically no one uses it.