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Thankfully, my efforts are paying off!
Tipping culture needs to die and I’ve been doing my part by not tipping for years!
Agree it needs to die, but vigilante moves like this aren’t going to end it. You’re just shorting workers that are completely reliant on tipping. If you want to make a difference support businesses that don’t use tipping and more importantly support legislation to restrict tipping and enforce fare pay base wages.
Unfortunately, that’s what’s necessary in order for change to happen.
All businesses will do is look at the data, and if the data shows that tipping can supplement low wages then wages will not increase.
Umm, so you have come up with a fancy reason why you think it’s ok for you to be a jerk?
So what? You’re still being a jerk. And as for your reasoning, no, you’re not helping bring about any change. The owner of a restaurant couldn’t care less - they’re still profiting, so your whole argument is complete bullshit.
Yeah, no.
If you’re expecting tipping culture to die while people still tip, you’re living in a fantasy-land. If people living off of tips start noticing they’re not making as much, they will start demanding more from their employers.
Tipping is a band-aid solution that needs to go away.
So don’t participate AT ALL. Otherwise, the capitalist still makes money, and as such, WILL NOT CHANGE.
Going to a restaurant and not tipping doesn’t do shit other than fuck over the employee. And it never will.
Get a clue.
Yeah, no.
People who work on tips need to fight back against the exploitation. Right now, there are still too many of them who say things like “I make more with tips.” In which case, fine. They can “make more” without my tip.
Once the data shows that they can make more with proper wages instead of tips, then that’s what will happen. It’s already what happens in most places other than America.
You’ve been conditioned to parrot rhetoric that only exists to keep the status quo going as long as possible.
Maybe if enough people stop tipping, workers will go work at places where they’re paid enough so they don’t need tips to survive? Horrific for the poor until tips-to-survive ends tho.
Voting against parties that make laws propping up an economic system that rewards psychopathy and punishes ethical behavior, would be better.
Sure if it’s some sort of organized protest. One off deviations in a sea of tipping compliance only hurt individuals and make you feel like you are doing meaningful work when you are in fact just being a tool.
You are so deluded if you think you being cheap and talking about it on a super niche social platform is what will make change happen. I’d be very cautious about any social justice type move that has direct immediate benefits only to you. Don’t be fooled by the mind’s willingness to justify incentivation - you’re breaking a societal contract for your own benefit and that’s it. Do you have a YouTube channel where you are promoting a movement? Are you writing letters to politicians or are you just 20% richer than the rest of us?
The person you’re arguing with is on the Canadian instance, so likely living in Canada, where servers are paid real wages, not $2.75 or whatever. (If the real wages still aren’t enough to live on, then Canada should probably be raising the minimum wage, rather than tipping a small percentage of their minimum wage workers.)
Honestly, they might have a point. If we collectively decide to stop tipping even the low wage wait service workers it might prompt a change since those restaurants wouldn’t be able to retain staff while only paying $2 to $3 an hour.
However you are correct that expressing this on a niche platform like Lemmy isn’t going to get a whole lot of traction.
And yet again the working class decides “fuck the working class” instead of “eat the rich.”
It’s not “fuck the working class” it’s a matter of trying to encourage people to stop accepting a shit wage in return for a perceived benefit that doesn’t actually manifest for most of them.
Ideally we would have a law changing things but we can’t even get a decent update to the regular minimum wage much less an alteration to the way servers are paid. So, hypothetically, if we were to collectively agree to stop giving in to the pressure to pay tips as a mediocre compensation for employers not paying a decent wage, people may stop taking those jobs and seek employment with places that pay decent hourly instead.
Again, all of this is basically a thought experiment since no one is going to do any of this. But hey, if tips stop being lavish enough to live on just naturally due to a reaction to inflation, that might spur a change as well.
Yeah, people like you would see not getting ripped off as “being cheap.”
haven’t been to a ‘table service’ restaurant in years, and even longer since i’ve done a delivery order. when i do get food from those places (which is far less frequent these days), i go get it.
I certainly have been for a couple years
Can’t read the article – and just like how I’m not tipping, I’m also not giving Bezos any money to read this.
I think the first paragraph has my thoughts on this though:
People are tipping less at restaurants than they have in at least six years, driven by fatigue over rising prices and growing prompts for tips at places where gratuities haven’t historically been expected.
The tip stuff came up during COVID and we felt compelled to help. Now COVID is gonna be with us and prices. That’s because prices are sticky-down.
I’m sick of tipping quite frankly.
Bezos owns the Washington Post, not the Wall Street Journal.
Ah, I’m an idiot! Thanks for the correction!
Yeah, the suggested tip function on a lot of check out apps for businesses that should be paying their staff a full wage is unbelievably offensive. Looking at you Starbucks and Dominos.
Good, tipping is bullshit. And I don’t want to hear any of your bullshit about how the staff need it to augment their salaries. Add tips to the original cost, problem solved. People will continue to vote with their wallet.
A tip is supposed to be to spare the change, maybe leave a small bill or two to thanks for extra good service. Nowadays tips are going over $10, sometimes even $20 apiece.
Like others said people tipped to keep businesses and their workers afloat when we weren’t eating out. That trend can’t just keep continuing ad infinitum.
No, tipping in America actually did start as a way to pay wait staff…during prohibition and the great depression. The fact that here today, 100 years after that time, we have not phased out such an idiotic system is beyond ridiculous.
Mr. Pink was right