Today’s weather forecast (Melbourne CBD, 3000): min - 23°C, max - 38°C. 90% chance of no rain
Not a bird contribution, sorry. But Mabel’s shenanigans this morning:
Her and her best mate at the dog park (which doubles as the local cricket ground) decided to play vigorous bitey face on the freshly painted red boundary lines. So now she’s pink. 🤦♀️
She’s very proud of her work though. I guess she’s just showing up for the Pink Test.
Gotta show support. Also I reckon Mabel would be a shoo-in for fielding on the boundaries. Might struggle to bat though - place her at 11 on the team?
It’s gonna be a ripper day Mabel. 🏏💕
I like recognising people’s pets. As soon as I saw the photos in my inbox, I didn’t need to read your username, it was just like “yep, that’s Mabel”
I still maintain Mabel is absolutely adorable
Thanks for all the messages. Squishes back to you all. 🖤
For bird day I wish to mention the stunningly beautiful Dracula Parrot, the covert as fuck Tawny Frogmouth, and the magestically lunatic Bin Chicken. Bakawkk MF!
Got back about 45 minutes ago, apartment was hooooot but could be worse, at least it was a bit cooler than the outside. AC blasting like a mf. Esky tipped on the back floor of the car the one time I didn’t wedge it securely, it had yoghurt in it… Luckily there was a spare floor mat on top of the floor (from moving house) and only that received a dribble of the stuff. Promptly washed it out. Could have been a lot, lot worse.
Time for my crackers and dip and maybe some tv. This was the view from the hut I stayed in. I miss nature outside my doorstep so much. I can’t wait to move out from here
That’s one gorgeous view outside that window.
Hopefully the aircon will take the edge off.
Welcome back!
That’s a spectacular view.
That’s my dream view. Away from the hussle and bustle of the world…
It was really something else. Here’s the view on the other side…
I’ve had trouble falling asleep without my phone (or some sort of distraction) for ages but over there I could just stare at nature until it went dark and continue to do so in the hut until I was ready to close the blinds. I haven’t been able to do this for years
That sounds like bliss! I’m desperately trying to get fully remote work so I can live out that way full time in a few years
Today was not the day to lock myself out of my house, and I probably won’t get access to the spare key until 10pm. It’s too hot for this. Second time this has happened in 5 years, the timing of this one hurts.
RIP. Of all days… Have you been able to hide in a shopping centre or something meanwhile?
Yeah, I’m at my local council gym/pool which is where I was heading on the way to locking myself out. It’s nice and cool here. I’ll get some dinner after to kill more time.
How you going?
I’m back inside my place! I was able to get the spare key a little earlier than expected thanks to the parentals being very accommodating, so I didn’t have to wait until 10pm thankfully.
I’m going to nerd out for a sec:
There’s this guitar sound right. It’s a wall of distortion with an artificial reverb that’s used a lot in shoegaze/post rock.
I’ve been chasing it for almost 12 fucking years and couldn’t get it working because the distortion would overload the reverb and it turns into an absolute mess.
I figured it out yesterday. After so fucking long it finally works. The new reverb pedal is bought over xmas had a far higher headroom so wouldn’t distort with a high gain input.
It sounds so fucking cool. Like an ethereal wall of sound!
This makes me so happy!
This is a flightless bird lol
She hasn’t worked out shadows but definitely understands reflections.
The shadows thing is getting nuts. 6am and is attacking the wall lol
Chilli patch update!
No loss (yet). Habs are about to flower. Thais are very slow to the party but fruit for longer.
Bird day: for most of my holiday I stayed in a hut that a lyrebird lived right outside of. Every morning I’d get the multipack of birdsong waking me up. I’d tarry a while just to hear his full repertoire. It was beautiful.
I saw couples of lyrebirds casually strolling around the property and hopping off garden walls. Didn’t have my phone on me for the most part so didn’t take any photos.
I have to admit, lyrebirds are not spectacular to look at, unless male and dancing on their mound.
They’re on the upper side of mid. Not much colour ordinarily, but lovely tails and a fairly sizeable and mobile bird. One of the larger birds in forested inland areas aside from emus…
░░░░░arrived░░░░░░░░░░░░█▀██████░░I picked up some iodine tincture, boy that stuff smells like concentrated hospital smell.
It tastes pretty gross too, but irs great for killing off whatever is causing a sore throat.
Like the betadine gargle? I don’t think I’d gargle this stuff, it’s pretty gnarly…
I tried that once and immediately threw up. Disgusting
I love chicken
Fucking hot outside, so of course my neighbour is out there with his ancient mower.
The mower keeps cutting out and he’s swearing up a storm.
I’ve said it before, one day (like today) I’m going to find his corpse on the lawn next to his fucking mower.
Isn’t lawn mowing a restricted activity on total fire ban days? Could’ve sworn there was something about that
E: gave it a google, and it says it should be avoided, but obviously, “should” doesn’t indicate an obligation. However it does say have some musts for dry/not green vegetation, and also says that somebody MUST carry either a water (stores pressure) fire extinguisher that’s fully charged, correctly pressured, working, and has a capacity of over 9 litres, or a knapsack spray pump fully charged with water in working order with a capacity of over 9 litres
Does Mr. Neighbour have a fire extinguisher?
Yes it’s restricted with some guidelines. I’m pretty sure my neighbour will ignore all warnings and continue anyway.
I gave it a google and edited dmy comment. Technically it isn’t illegal, they just say to avoid it. the restrictions do essentially say he must carry a fire extinguisher with over 9L capacity, but I doubt he would. Bloody tosser ngl
I know it’s not as bad in the city, but I just can’t shake my countryside instincts. If this was my neighbour where I used to live, he’d have gotten a firm backhander across the face by now, because he’d be risking burning the entire bloody town down
There’s very little fuel for a grassfire around. But I do get where you’re coming from.
Us suburbanites have very low survival instincts, especially entitled blokes over 80 (like old mate next door)
Hot = mows lawn
Raining = waters lawn
He’s wired back-to-front
Not sure he’s got wires left to be honest
I thought you were gonna find him passed out next to a hose?
If only…
Birds. After cleaning and filling up the bird bath yesterday, it wasn’t used :( Gonna try again today don’t give up!
Yesterday I noticed that the Aussie version of The Office was out so I’m guessing the NDA isn’t applicable any more. But damn you Amazon Preview for making me suffer through a whole test episode of that just so that I could fill out the qualtrics survey demanding they never subject me to that trash ever again.
Hahah. It boggles my mind that anyone thought this was a good idea when we already turn out series like Utopia and Fisk.
I finished off and submitted my assignment - which is about Red Wattlebirds!
Red Wattlebirds are suicidal maniacs. There’s a pair that nest in my street trees - they dive bomb their own reflections in my front windows. So far the windows have been winning but it’s only a matter of time.
I am not a fan. Not only are they dumb, they sound hideous, especially at 5am in the morning.
Red Wattlebirds
We have a fair few down here. Probably one of the more flighty / shy type of bird. Resident magpie is at war with them constantly. They’re not competing for food or space, just having a go at each other for sport / fun seemingly.
They can be quite aggressive. A few years ago I had a good crop of apricots on my tree which were the site of an ongoing battle between a group of wattlebirds and a group of lorikeets. It would get quite noisy. In the midst of it all there was one raven that would just fly in and grab a single apriocot every day and just ignore the ongoing war.
Seeing as we’re doing bird pics, here’s mine from Friday (sorry that it wasn’t taken today but thought it was so random it warranted posting)