Probably fake, but a therapist should never say anything like that. I’m in my 30’s and a virigin, and no doctor, therapist, etc., has ever asked me anything close to that. And if they did, I’d be searching for a new therapist. Wouldn’t even finish the session.
Uncle in therapy for second nervous breakdown. Therapist tells aunt that hell be a dead weight aroind her neck. Tells him to go fishing - he hates fishing. This was a recommended therapist from a good GP.
Another family member with past addiction and suicide attempts went to a different GP seeking therapy. Was told by the GP humans have been to the moon and can do anything so stop being so depressed. Wtf does that even mean.
That’s about the story of how am I about to try a fourth one in so many years. Gosh is it hard to find a good one ; taking the step to recognise you should see someone isn’t the hard part. Picking up your phone and call one isn’t the hard part. Fiding one that works for you is the damnedest hardest part of it, period.
One of my previous psychiatrists got kicked out being the head of his department because he was using his position to lobby heavily to keep Asexuality in the the DSM.
Mine was 30 maximum, I was 20. It’s not about age, it’s about always getting what you wanted when you wanted it; then you don’t understand how it might not work like that for others.
I may have once believed this would never happen but after a therapist once told me I was wrong for outting a pedophile I can’t imagine this being that far fetched.
Even if it’s not fake, in every other instance, if you have a bad dentist who says shit that makes you uncomfortable, you get a new dentist, happens every day, bad dentists get bad reviews and open shitty practices in bad neighborhoods and people expect the care to be substandard. Rarely do you even hear stories about that kind of thing because people have normalized dental care.
The fact that this shit is controversial shows just how far we have to go before people start taking their fucking minds seriously. You know, only the most important part of your physical, living experience.
Probably fake, but a therapist should never say anything like that. I’m in my 30’s and a virigin, and no doctor, therapist, etc., has ever asked me anything close to that. And if they did, I’d be searching for a new therapist. Wouldn’t even finish the session.
Uncle in therapy for second nervous breakdown. Therapist tells aunt that hell be a dead weight aroind her neck. Tells him to go fishing - he hates fishing. This was a recommended therapist from a good GP.
Another family member with past addiction and suicide attempts went to a different GP seeking therapy. Was told by the GP humans have been to the moon and can do anything so stop being so depressed. Wtf does that even mean.
Shitty people are in every profession.
That’s about the story of how am I about to try a fourth one in so many years. Gosh is it hard to find a good one ; taking the step to recognise you should see someone isn’t the hard part. Picking up your phone and call one isn’t the hard part. Fiding one that works for you is the damnedest hardest part of it, period.
Don’t drop it. Keep trying.
Yup, good therapists exist, but like most professions, finding one that works for you can be difficult.
Having a bad therapy experience doesn’t mean you aren’t fixable, it means the therapist sucks.
So true. Unfortunately both men rarely talk about feelings and were more or less forced by circumstance to seek help for mental health.
They already hated the idea and now hate it more. When they have some sort of future relapse they’ll be be even more closed off to seeking help.
“Nelson Mandela stopped racism in South Africa decades ago, so cheer up!”
The older ones tend to still think that way.
One of my previous psychiatrists got kicked out being the head of his department because he was using his position to lobby heavily to keep Asexuality in the the DSM.
Mine was 30 maximum, I was 20. It’s not about age, it’s about always getting what you wanted when you wanted it; then you don’t understand how it might not work like that for others.
I may have once believed this would never happen but after a therapist once told me I was wrong for outting a pedophile I can’t imagine this being that far fetched.
Even if it’s not fake, in every other instance, if you have a bad dentist who says shit that makes you uncomfortable, you get a new dentist, happens every day, bad dentists get bad reviews and open shitty practices in bad neighborhoods and people expect the care to be substandard. Rarely do you even hear stories about that kind of thing because people have normalized dental care.
The fact that this shit is controversial shows just how far we have to go before people start taking their fucking minds seriously. You know, only the most important part of your physical, living experience.