President-elect Donald Trump has promised to increase the pace of U.S. military shipbuilding. But his pledge to also clamp down on immigration could make it hard for shipyards already facing workforce shortages.
negatively impacting the profit margins of the Military Industrial Complex isn’t one of them
Increasing salaries of American workers by making labor scarce is the purpose of restrictive immigration policy
Increased salaries directly cut into profits. or drive prices up. Either way, the military-industrial complex will feel the pinch. And reducing the supply of labor only drives up wages when there are other people willing to do the job. While I’d like to see hundreds of thousands of MAGA whack-jobs picking lettuce in Salinas, it’s not going to happen.
Increased salaries directly cut into profits. or drive prices up. Either way, the military-industrial complex will feel the pinch. And reducing the supply of labor only drives up wages when there are other people willing to do the job. While I’d like to see hundreds of thousands of MAGA whack-jobs picking lettuce in Salinas, it’s not going to happen.