In the aftermath of the deadly Maui wildfires, some social media users are discouraging residents from accepting disaster aid by falsely claiming the Federal Emergency Management Agency could seize their property if they do.
CLAIM: FEMA can seize the private property of any Maui resident that signs up for disaster assistance.
THE FACTS: The federal agency says the claims are “absolutely false” and encourages Hawaiians to visit a website it launched recently to address rumors and frequently asked questions in the aftermath of the fires, which have claimed more than 100 lives.
Here’s the website:
A co-worker was saying something about the government taking people’s land using imminent domain.
They are right leaning, which makes sense with the fema camps nonsense.
Eminent domain is a real thing and it something the government can just do without having to trick anyone to sign anything.
Can you link some of these claims? Who spreads them?
It’s typically right wing shitheads who go on and on about FEMA camps etc