Two narrative threads - one is an emerging love story between two awkward teens, Jens and Lisa, who are having sex for the first time and the other is an eventful quest of Simon the Semen and his friends to reach the golden goal, the Egg.
Two narrative threads - one is an emerging love story between two awkward teens, Jens and Lisa, who are having sex for the first time and the other is an eventful quest of Simon the Semen and his friends to reach the golden goal, the Egg.
I declare this movie woke! It’s portraying that redhead as if he were a perfectly normal person, with a soul and everything! That just ruins my immersion.
Just look at that girl you think she would have been black in 1994?
If she’s a teen now she didn’t exist in 1994.
No! It’s racist. All the sperms are white. They should have added black jizz as well!