• humanspiral@lemmy.ca
    2 months ago

    He’s dead right.

    Humanist economics has a central pillar: abundance. Profit maximization requires scarcity, and geopolitical or other suppression of competition. In addition, higher interest rates prevent abundance, and funding of supply increases of farming production, and increase housing costs, insurance greed, and so affordability of other stuff.

    The war on Russia led to higher interest rates in order to ration oil use, and employment, again limiting production.

    Deflation is not even bad for the rich. Lower interest rates stabilize housing prices, and reduce government deficits, and improve financial asset values. Wages don’t generally go down, and they definitely don’t go down under policies of abundance.

    Abundance means more work is available. Prices are lower letting workers and others afford more stuff leading to more abundance. UBI is the most important anti-slavery (also humanist) and prosperity (also humanist) policy alternative. It is inflationary, but makes high paying work that outpaces inflation easy to find.

    The key about inflation vs deflation is how balanced income growth is relative to inflation. If it is only oligarchy making income/wealth gains, then you should address your complaints to that structure instead of the inflation.