Would it be possible to have a linux DE with that high quality like macOS? The last 3 years i did a lot of distro hopping. Im really Happy with gnome and ubuntu now ( reason was the rocm Installation script for my 7900xtx). Currently i donate whenever i use a Software more frequent. So i also would pay for a such good Look like on an iMac from my wife. Currently i use 4k Resolution and coloring settings with my spyder color camera. Edit: Im talking about sharpness of font rendering
Final Edit:
I switched from ubuntu to cachy os with native KDE: The soltuion is really nice so thanks for the community feedback!
Consider adding the Dash To Panel extension. It was the polish Gnome was missing for me: https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/1160/dash-to-panel/
I’d also be a bit remiss if I didn’t recommended WinTile, too: https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/1723/wintile-windows-10-window-tiling-for-gnome/
Great thanks!