Forget the salary. The more egregious sin is not getting a cut of Disney merchandise!
“I feel like every time I walk down the aisles out there on the floor of CCXP and I see all these Deadpool figurines, I think they wouldn’t be here if we hadn’t made that film. And I feel uniquely fortunate that I could be part of it. Then, then my second thought is, I wish my director deals had a piece of the merchandising so that I could get some money from all of that.”
George Lucas got a % of merchandise from Star Wars and Disney lost out on a crap ton of money because of it. I doubt they will make that decision again.
Forget the salary. The more egregious sin is not getting a cut of Disney merchandise!
George Lucas got a % of merchandise from Star Wars and Disney lost out on a crap ton of money because of it. I doubt they will make that decision again.
20th Century Fox was the distributor for Star Wars. They didn’t own any of it until 2012 to my knowledge.
True. I meant the OG distributor. George Lucas took a cut in order to get a % of the toys.
Smart dude