I, personally, like to take the opportunity to express aspirations: not just trying to stop doing things I feel are harmful, but also to try new things or practice positive things more. A couple from me:

  • Avoid sarcasm when dealing with people, especially strangers, it does not go over well when they don’t get the joke
  • Do something positive, helpful, and non-criminal to counter the right wing political trend. (granted, this one needs more detail)

How about you?

  • dirtySourdough@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    Slow down, live in the present, and enjoy who and what I already have in my life. That includes being more forgiving to myself and others, worrying less about all of the possible things I could be doing (personally and professionally) and instead choosing one thing at a time to focus my energy on, and being more aware of my own thoughts and feelings, then expressing them in a healthy way.