Image description: A crude drawing of a stick man sitting in a chair in an unusual position. Right leg is bent at the knee with the sole of the foot flat on the seat and the knee up towards the chin. The left leg is bent at the knee where the lower leg is flat against the seat and the foot is on the seat under the buttocks.
You could have at least used a different color for the labels. Or chair and person, then you wouldn’t need the labels.
I was going for chromatic minimalism.
I hope it is known that I know nothing about art, but I’m having fun searching for artists or art terms to describe my style 😂
Edit: Just for you.
Now they look kind of unbalanced and using their arms for stability.
I think your art is so avant garde, people just don’t understand yet
You should do a version with a smiley face
It took me 30s to understand this image.
Is that fast or slow? Like you could be really stupid and this is fast or you could be really smart and this is slow. 😉
There is a coloured version down in the comments if that makes it easier to understand.
It took me too long to understand the image; I wasn’t able to differentiate the labels from the limbs.
Edit: I showed this pic to my spouse and he was confused why someone was peeing from a chair, so it’s not just you and me
Upvote if you like my drawing. I am Picasso reincarnate.
I’m just not sure why you’ve depicted yourself urinating on the floor.
Not sure if right foot or large vagina.
Edit: Maybe I’m Georgia O’Keeffe.
This gives me some serious Death Note vibes.
…also cramp
Not sure what Death Note is. I don’t really get cramp, naturally, the foot you’re sitting on often goes numb.
It’s a manga, you should read it.
I will try, but I’ve never really tried manga and reading is difficult at times with ADHD to concentrate on.
I to the same way about anime. That’s why I suggest reading it. The anime is really good too though
I don’t struggle with it, I just do it.
Not sure on your age, but as you age you realise it’s not been good for you. Particularly the lower back. I’m 35+. Luckily I’m active in fitness so it could be worse if someone is mainly sedentary.
As someone who was significantly more sedentary, and lived in a environment where I couldn’t stand up straight for a few years, yeah, I was getting issues from this around 16+, late 20’s now and I have scoliosis and an asymmetry of my thorax…
Robot backs when?
I’m sorry that happened to you.
It would be nice if this kind of thing was taught in schools, like life skills. I do wonder if I would have paid attention as you kind of feel invincible as a kid.
If you don’t mind me asking, what was the environment? That sounds miserable.
Oh that aspect was, other aspects were less bad; when I was a teenager, I kept asking my mum if I could have the basement for a hangout spot/workshop, she eventually let me.
When I started down there I was just a tad bit shorter than the doorways, by the time I left, I was having to crouch when I stood under the regularly ceilings.
Some aspects were good; it let me develop a love for taking things apart and rebuilding them, designing and building things from scratch, working with friends on projects, etc.
Some aspects were less than optimal; I had a 3d printer running almost 24/7 down there, creating a lot of nasty dust + I used to smoke back then, so the air quality of the space was terrible.
The big mistake was likely sleeping down there, being in that environment basically 24/7 was certainly unhealthy.
Okay that sounds a lot less insane than the mental picture I had. I was like, “mines? Some weird construction…? Snow piercer?” But it sounds like just regular level younger people doing obsessive things to the point of resembling self-harm.
I guess it’s hard enough staying still so I usually shift around a bunch. I haven’t noticed any back problems yet. I have been trying to improve my posture the past year or so.
Classic pose
Classic pose. I’ve also been known to sit fully cross-legged on stools. I only recently discovered they make cross-legged chairs for weirdos like me.
This is indeed the sit.
I sit with one foot on the floor and the other foot (leg bent out to the side) beneath my opposing knee. I think this may have contributed largely to the miniscal tear I had to get surgery on two years back.
As a dude… no. That seems like a great way to jack up my junk. Squshing my balls being the biggest worry in this arrangement.
As a dude with weird AF sitting positions (seriously, this is vanilla compared to the curl of limbs I can become), I’ve never once crushed my junk from sitting. I don’t know how people have trouble with them.
Wow I thought it was just me
Only difference in how i sit, my left leg is crossed under my right leg. Don’t have the cartilage left to put my leg straight back like that.
Everyone saying that every part of their body aches, when they turn 30, kind of scares me of that milestone.
Luckily I have 15 years to prepare myself thoroughly.
Most people stop taking care of themselves in their mid twenties and it catches up to them in their thirties.