Considering to buy one for a family member.

    3 months ago

    Check out! It has great free resources that are science based. Quitting smoking is the number thing someone who smokes can do for their health.

    The most effective methods to quit smoking include varenicline (aka Chantix), FDA-approved nicotine replacement therapies (gum, patch, lozenge, inhaler, etc), and behavioral therapy. Combining all of these therapies in a clinical trials results in the most people quitting.

    No vape is FDA-approved as a cessation therapy, because no company has applied. There have been some small academic run trials, which tend to show a decrease in smoking, but continued nicotine addiction. Probably because vapes have much higher nicotine content than FDA-approved therapies. While vapes expose people to a lot less carcinogens than smoke, there are some carcinogens and nicotine itself is harmful to vascular and mental health. So if the evidence-based methods don’t work, completely switching to vaping would be less harmful.

      3 months ago

      Agreed. There is a lot of new research on vaping. Could potentially cause a number of issues, but probably still better than actual smoking. I’ve heard the inhalers work sometimes because of the nicotine as well as the physical movements involved.

      I’ve also seen exactly one ad (on YouTube) for some sort of flavour inhaler (no nicotine) if you’re having trouble with the physical aspect. Can’t say any more about that though, as I haven’t looked into it.