I find it amusing that as someone that actually spent years learning how to cook, and that I took the took the time to understand the chemistry and logic of cooking, I’m downvoted because:
I’m french (because a fair number of users are idiots, and yet I’m still here to face them)
or they believe they can cook with a microwave (a US affectation)
or maybe it’s just a jest across the atlantic, since we made them a country, they hate us for some reason as a joke, haha.
I find it amusing that as someone that actually spent years learning how to cook, and that I took the took the time to understand the chemistry and logic of cooking, I’m downvoted because:
Well now you’re getting downvoted for complaining about downvotes
I don’t really care. Being French here means you’re being downvoted.
Just like I’m donwoting US users.
Lol if you didn’t care you wouldn’t be constantly complaining about it
Oddly enough when there are fuck the mexicans or fuck the poles posts, people are vaguely interested.
Condescending and a pity party. Really a wonder why people aren’t flocking to upvote.