• Snot Flickerman
    2 months ago

    Further, if it surprises you, you should ask yourself if you really think the whitest areas of the country are really as progressive as they like to make themselves out to be.

    It’s easy to say you’re supportive of other cultures and aren’t a racist when you never actually interact with anyone but other white people.

    Source: I grew up in racist farm-town Eastern Washington, where half the businesses had “English Only” signs which really were saying “we don’t serve brown people.” Later, living in Western Washington, I got to see how clueless the white liberals are about actual race relations.

    From our State Capitol: https://komonews.com/news/local/olympia-parent-claims-student-bipoc-club-promotes-segregation-washington-state-school-centennial-elementary-students-education-backlash

    I found the above while I was trying to find an article about a BIPOC club at Olympia’s South Puget Sound Community College being forced to allow white members, which I recall happening around 2016. Olympia is often considered a safe haven for trans folks, but this kind of shit shows they’re less progressive than they think they are.