• mindbleach@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      Yes, I think the traitors who started a war to maintain slavery are evil.

      Why is that a question.

      What the fuck.

      These people screamed at the top of their lungs that low-key 1850s racism wasn’t nearly racist enough. That any black man being a citizen was a betrayal of the entire national experiment. And for some reason you’re searching for excuses to say it was rational economic incentives.

      Bigotry is bad… mmkay? Bigots themselves don’t have to think they’re evil, and twirl their moustaches, to be really fucking evil. Obvious example, Nazis. Tell me the holocaust was really about land rights and I’ll tell you where to shove it.

            • mindbleach@lemmy.world
              1 year ago


              Tell me the holocaust was really about land rights and I’ll tell you where to shove it.

              The both of you are trying to rationalize the worst evils in the world, as if extraordinary bigotry isn’t thoroughly sufficient.

              You in particular scoff, “You really think they would have fought a war and died by the tens of thousands just because they like slavery so dang much?” Like you cannot imagine shockingly violent conflict emerging from sheer hatred. In the south. A culture stereotyped for generational blood feuds. A region that if we’re brutally honest still has a problem with lynching.

              All for “nuance.”

              Nuance you’re blind to, when it’s me pointing out, people make these excuses as propaganda. The other guy dying on this hill keeps ranting about Lincoln for some reason and just coincidentally drops that well okay the war was about the business of dehumanizing misery. It’s just business! A perfectly reasonable dry bloodless economic incentive. Co-equal to, y’know, openly declaring black people subhuman. Both sides.

              Again reaching for the hopefully obvious comparison: would you say the holocaust was about the Nazi desire to kill Jewish Germans…'s businesses? How seriously would you take someone’s insistence that they’re not doing apologism, when all they talk about is Japanese internment and lebensraum? “I don’t know why we can’t address Hitler’s vile antisemitism, and his totes sincere good-faith criticism of wealthy minorities. Why can’t both be true? Discuss.”

                • mindbleach@lemmy.world
                  1 year ago

                  Everyone in this thread that I have seen is roundly denouncing slavery and racism.

                  So would the asshole claiming “the civil war wasn’t about slavery.”

                  That’s how these excuses function as propaganda. They don’t come out and say “yay evil.” But they’re still defending evil… by degrees. The nuance of their claims is kinda fucking important.

                  We have the freedom, now, to be able to discuss nuance without worrying about whether it will be used as a shield for bigots.

                  You live on a different internet.

                  We don’t ALWAYS have to dismiss context and nuance

                  … reducing this to ‘well you just hate nuance’ is so goddamn ironic I’m not sure where to begin.