Montalbán, as Khan, on the john, clothes on.
On the john. OOOOOOOOH. I felt like a complete moron for not being able to figure it out. Thanks!
One cannot be expected to known every slang term for a shitcan.
There’s just so many.
I think it’s mainly the fact that the words don’t really rhyme. Khan and John are pronounced slightly differently so most people wouldn’t make that connection.
Khan on a Jahn
Or the pan, rhymes as well as john
Enhanced man on the can.
Aug on the clog?
I suspect this might depend on the variety of English you speak? (And non-natives can fuck right off löl)
I think you need to speak the American dialect specifically.
As I Brit I could not get this one at all until I came to the comments. I was thinking Kahn on the loo. Kahn on the big. Kahn on the toilet.
I was thinking Khan on the Khazi
Kahn on the crapper
As an American I was doing similarly, just with different phrases (like “porcelain throne”:-).
Kahn on a John.
Yeah, that doesn’t rhyme at all in my head. I can see how it would though, I just have to rewire my brain to hear it.
How do you pronounce those words to make them rhyme? Khon? Jahn?
I don’t pronounce them like that at all but I’ve heard “john” be pronounced with a long “ah” sound, like “jawwwwn” or “jaaaaahn” to rhyme with “Khan”. I don’t know, I don’t even go here (non-native).
Non native too, trying to learn. English weirdos.
The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the poo.
Khan on the can
In my head i said “khone on the throne” 😅
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The number of people who don’t get it is about right.
Toad on a commode
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