Imagine you wake up in the body of a famous and influential person in the bedroom where that person sleeps in. You know nothing about that individual prior to this incident apart from the fact that they are considered a high profile person.

Your only chance of survival here is to act like that person in front of their family, friends and the public for the rest of the unforeseeable future. How do you ensure you learn to imitate the personality of the individual by arousing the least amount of suspicion?

    3 months ago

    I’d tell them the truth, because it’s unbelievable on its own. Maybe I’ll add some obvious lies to make the truth sound even more ridiculous.

      3 months ago

      This is the best approach, only you tell enough of the truth to be plausible to anyone. Basically that you suddenly don’t feel like yourself, can’t recall much of your memory of who you are, and something’s not right. Take it from there. If you’re someone with much influence or power you have people around you that will help maintain your image while working through a transition to a different you.