Imagine you wake up in the body of a famous and influential person in the bedroom where that person sleeps in. You know nothing about that individual prior to this incident apart from the fact that they are considered a high profile person.

Your only chance of survival here is to act like that person in front of their family, friends and the public for the rest of the unforeseeable future. How do you ensure you learn to imitate the personality of the individual by arousing the least amount of suspicion?

    3 months ago

    Fake being sick. Like vomiting, diarrhea, extreme fatigue sick. That can explain away lots of unusual behavior, plus an excuse to bow out of any commitments for a day or two.

    Then research the hell out of this person online, and study their calendar/diary/whatever.

    Hopefully they are wealthy along with high profile, so I can easily retire from the public eye if needed. Recent elections made me reconsider my values and how I want to spend more time with family, yada yada, who cares what the reason is so long as it sounds aspirational enough.