Weather forecast today (Melbourne CBD, 3000): min - 21°C, max - 41°C. 80% chance of no rain
Remember to slip slop slap and keep up with your water intake today! It’s a hot one!
Weather forecast today (Melbourne CBD, 3000): min - 21°C, max - 41°C. 80% chance of no rain
Remember to slip slop slap and keep up with your water intake today! It’s a hot one!
Miniest has decided to go to her class party tomorrow after previously telling me she wasn’t interested in going. That’s fine, except she has to bring a plate and I haven’t got anything. Rather than do a shop dash in the morning and spend a fortune on cakes or donuts or some crap, I’ve decided that seeing as how I’ve got the stuff to make choc chip cookies then I’ll do that. Yes, I am about to make choc chip cookies right now. Pray for mojo!
Choc chip cookies are very well received!
Best mum ever!! 🙌🏼🙌🏼
You got this!!!
You’re amazing :)
in a pinch anzacs are always acceptable, especially if you make them massive AF