I hate how “anti-war” has been hijacked by these people to mean, let imperialist countries invade whoever they want with no consequences. (in the case of tankies, any imperialist country that isn’t in NATO).

  • Doomsider@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    Every country does this. It is up to you to prove that this censorship is wrong. From what I have read banning a religious cult and pseudo Russian political parties is what any sane country would do.

    Accusations of corruption can be leveled at every country. A lot of Ukraine’s corruption can be traced to Russian gangsters. Russia, just like Ukraine is incredibly corrupt only they have not tried to reform like Ukraine has.

    The corruption is also woven into economics. For instance doctors are paid bribes because they don’t make very much money. Citizens of the Ukraine often feel it is their duty to engage in this because they want to pay doctors what they are worth.

    This was a good read about Ukraine’s corruption and paints a very different picture about the corruption. It is really a cultural thing left over from the Soviet Union.

    https://2017-2020.usaid.gov/sites/default/files/documents/1863/Changing Corrupt Behaviors Assessment Oct. 2015.pdf