This is more about growth and its folly in real time.

LONDON—One lesson from an unprecedented year of elections around the world is that voters in industrialized countries are particularly unhappy, ready to boot unpopular leaders out of office and making it more difficult for politicians in power to enact bold programs of change.

Rarely have the rich world’s political leaders been so widely disliked. No leader of an industrialized country other than tiny Switzerland has a positive rating, according to a survey of some 25 democracies by pollster Morning Consult. Ruling parties that went to the polls this year largely got a drubbing, including in the U.S. and U.K.

  • Snot Flickerman
    3 months ago

    Democracy has been purposefully gridlocked by parties who want to make sure Democracy can’t work. So if they undermine it enough, make it so forward movement can’t happen for 40-50 years at a time, the citizens get restless and angry. That’s on purpose, too, because when people are restless and angry, then you can go balls to the wall and declare martial law.

    There really should have been some laws on the books at some point that if you were clearly trying to undermine democratic principles that you could and should be blocked from being elected to or holding any type of office. Instead, we’ve just let the guys doing this shit do it worldwide for about 50 years now, and their plan worked, the whole shebang is about to fall apart.

    Literally they spent 50 years running on “let’s prove democracy doesn’t work by fighting to kill democracy” and literally nobody stepped up to say “maybe we shouldn’t let these guys fucking do that??”