First they tried “But he was rich!” And that didn’t stick, so now they’re going back to the old political divisiveness play book with “but he was a right-winger!”.
Don’t fall for it. The powers that be desperately want public opinion to turn on this guy.
The fun thing about this is that the more the media doubles down on “he’s a right-winger!”, the more united the rest of us may become over him.
Think about it - Hardcore right-wingers in the US strongly wish to associate with “their own” team/teammates. If Luigi had been left-wing, this division tactic could have worked to convince a number of them to turn against him. Instead, highlighting his conservative viewpoints gives right-wingers more reason to cheer for him.
Meanwhile, left-wingers and their diversity tend to identify less as a single “team.” They’ve got more free-thinkers, both of the scientific “skeptic” mindset and of the artistic “open possibilities” mindset (or both.) Either way, there is recognition that they aren’t all going to agree 100% with each other on everything, but they still recognize that we’re all in this together.
The corporate media are inveterate reactionaries - that stance even sums up their business model. It is hilarious that they are so lost in their own bullshit that they assume their enemies are reactionary also.
Depends on what it is you think we’re all together in. If it’s systemic reform caused by a big blue wave, then yeah I’m in, but if it’s nationwide arson and collapse of the system of laws, then no I’m out.
First they tried “But he was rich!” And that didn’t stick, so now they’re going back to the old political divisiveness play book with “but he was a right-winger!”.
Don’t fall for it. The powers that be desperately want public opinion to turn on this guy.
The fun thing about this is that the more the media doubles down on “he’s a right-winger!”, the more united the rest of us may become over him.
Think about it - Hardcore right-wingers in the US strongly wish to associate with “their own” team/teammates. If Luigi had been left-wing, this division tactic could have worked to convince a number of them to turn against him. Instead, highlighting his conservative viewpoints gives right-wingers more reason to cheer for him.
Meanwhile, left-wingers and their diversity tend to identify less as a single “team.” They’ve got more free-thinkers, both of the scientific “skeptic” mindset and of the artistic “open possibilities” mindset (or both.) Either way, there is recognition that they aren’t all going to agree 100% with each other on everything, but they still recognize that we’re all in this together.
The corporate media are inveterate reactionaries - that stance even sums up their business model. It is hilarious that they are so lost in their own bullshit that they assume their enemies are reactionary also.
Depends on what it is you think we’re all together in. If it’s systemic reform caused by a big blue wave, then yeah I’m in, but if it’s nationwide arson and collapse of the system of laws, then no I’m out.
It isn’t about him, though. Or at least it shouldn’t be. It’s about our broke-ass healthcare system that we need to fix.
I don’t care about his political leanings. This shit is about class warfare.
I only bring up the fact that Luigi was rich whenever people say bullshit like “it was revenge” or “he’s a lower class icon”.
Mmmmbut… But… He played Among Us!! A violent videogame!!!