The incident unfolded on Aug. 2, 2022, after police received several 911 calls saying a man had broken into the municipal building and set several fires inside.
Officers arrived to find the suspect still inside the building, armed with a large machete.
Two officers armed with Anti Riot Weapon Enfield (ARWEN) devices shot the suspect nine times over the course of 35 minutes.
Despite undergoing surgery, the man lost one testicle. The other was injured and only a portion could be saved.
Pretty sure I read somewhere that people are more intimidated by bladed weapons than guns because a gun can only hurt in one direction.
Idk if this is true though it was a while ago that I read this.
A police officer is a weapon.
A soldier is a weapon.
These are weapons wielded by the state that kill vastly more victims than common criminals with guns or blades. VASTLY MORE by massive orders of magnitude.
People are intimidated by the tools when they should be concerned about the weapons.
#Guns #Knives #Police #Military #State #Imperialism #EthnicCleansing #Genocide