First honey of the season. The second established hive will probably give about 10 times as much.

This hive died, the queen didn’t make it and they were not able to rear a new one quickly enough. When I checked it today, it was totally dead, so I harvested the honey in the super and closed up the brood chamber with some apivar.

In the fall I will get this one going again. My other hive is doing amazing.

Mite counts were low on both hives, and I do preventative treatments.

  • Brian :python:
    1 year ago

    @wallybeavis @Spacebar I have hives in both situations. At home, I can see them, but it’s just because that’s where I have room for them. I also manage several hives at a farm, those are away from the road.

    We don’t have wildlife big enough to mess with them here. Some people use ratchet straps, attaching hives to strong stands. Others will set up electric fencing as a deterrent.