Hi all,

I really, really like Mozilla Thunderbird; but what I have come to like even more is not leaving my terminal. Any recommendations on email clients in the terminal?

I’ve been thinking about aerc, but I’m curious what’s working (or not) for all of you. mutt seems like it’s crazy difficult to set up (which I’d rather avoid).

I need something that can handle all the account types I use with Thunderbird—namely, gmail and Microsoft exchange.


  • www-gem@lemmy.ml
    3 months ago

    I have gmail, exchange, and disroot accounts setup in neomutt. For gmail I had to generate an app specific password for neomutt because I use 2FA with gmail and neomutt doesn’t use Oauth2 as authentication method. Although, I was too lazy to try them, there are some options to use xoauth2. No surprise, exchange was the trickiest one to get working. I have to use Davmail for that. Behind an apparent complexity you just need your exchange email URL to get it running, and then you use the Davmail ports in neomutt.