0% chance of that happening. I don’t live in NY, and I’m willing to bet they’re gonna go extra tough on weeding out people even slightly knowledgeable about jury nullification.
That’s not the type of info that someone would necessarily volunteer unless they had no intnention of using it. The beautiful thing about it is that even if a person perjured themself about knowing of jury nullification, the one time they’d realisticly make use of it couldn’t actually be used as evidence/testimony against them.
-They may weed out the young and educated, though.
Nah, doesn’t look like the picture.
that’s what I’m sayin; unrelated let’s get you on that jury
0% chance of that happening. I don’t live in NY, and I’m willing to bet they’re gonna go extra tough on weeding out people even slightly knowledgeable about jury nullification.
That’s not the type of info that someone would necessarily volunteer unless they had no intnention of using it. The beautiful thing about it is that even if a person perjured themself about knowing of jury nullification, the one time they’d realisticly make use of it couldn’t actually be used as evidence/testimony against them.
-They may weed out the young and educated, though.