Dear fellow pirates , for me downloading movies is the easy part but downloading games like portal 2 and inscryption which have native support but i still have to look for repacks from fitgirl and dodi because i think they are safe

0.) can someone provide me with what the bug is that i cant get sound in inscryption game from fitgirl repack in linux

1.)I know about and the goldberg emulator and clean files but i dont know much about them can someone pls tell?

2.) are the clean steam files 100% virus-free or can someone infect it as well

3.)How good are sites like torrminator which provide native linux support for games

4.)Can someone tell me how to please make the game of inscryption in fitgirl repacks have sound on lutris with wine?

    2 years ago

    Nobody started bullshitting you, and everyone knew that you were using Linux. You started a post asking how to run repacks from Fit Girl on Linux, and when you were given an answer, you told the other person that they were wrong. The next comment explained in detail how to do it, including setting up winetricks, but you didn’t respond to that.

    There’s nothing wrong with not knowing how to do something, or with asking for help, but don’t accuse people of bullshitting you and not helping just because you don’t understand the answer.

      2 years ago

      They’re not even asking for help in the right way. They’re like, “This thing doesn’t have sound. I want to have sound. Tell me how to make it have sound.” It doesn’t work that way. It isn’t voodoo magic and the people that read this aren’t psychic. If there’s a problem with the sound, then all kinds of factors have to be eliminated until the one factor preventing the sound production is identified. That means looking into logs, the install script, the WINE settings, blah blah blah. This individual is looking at the internet as some sort of magical incantation medium. It’s not a friggin’ genie. It’s like asking the internet, “Please give me a million dollars.”

    • KDE@monyet.ccOP
      2 years ago

      I think I uploaded a thank you note to the person who told me the steps , but the sound couldn’t work , and I am sry if you feel like i am accusing people of bullshitng me It was just the fact that people were like :“Yeh , its ok , just run the game and boom it works with everything” which kinda pissed me I am once again sorry if I acted like a dumb child.

        2 years ago

        You literally said that they bullshitted you in this post, the one that you’ve just edited >.<

        Using Wine, you should have been able to just run the game, that’s the point. If you’d said that you’d tried that and it didn’t work, then you would have got different answers.

        Either way, good luck with the game 👍