• MutilationWave@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    Hell yeah. Running from real cops too. This leads directly to the beginning of me becoming radicalized.

    A cop came up while we were skating on an unused building’s loading dock. He had his hands kinda up like hey I just want to talk to you guys.

    He did. He threatened us. He said he was the boss and if we crossed him he’d take our boards, beat us up, and take us to jail. He brought out a paper pad and a pen, and I quote to the best of my memory- “This is my magic pen. Why is it magic? Because whatever I write with it is what happened.”

    • friend_of_satan@lemmy.world
      3 months ago

      One of my most memorable experiences skating on “no skateboarding allowed” property in Jr. High, where a RAC came up and one of my friends said “Um, excuse me, suck my dick sir.” I thought “omg we are fucked” and just ran.

      Another time in HS I wasn’t even skating, I just had my skateboard with me, and had climbed up onto a wall outside a mall loading dock. I saw the RAC’s coming and got worried they’d be dicks like always and ran into a Walgreens in the mall. I thought they weren’t following me and I’d kill time, so I stopped to do my blood pressure check at the machine, then went to piss. On my way out an undercover RAC slammed me up against the wall and said into his radio “we got him!” Another RAC came and started patting me down, and when he got to the back of my Alternative Tentacles record company shirt, right where the words “Stop Skate Harassment” were printed, I looked back at him, and he said “yeah I see your shirt.” They then said I was a cocaine dealer who had just gone and flushed my stash down the toilet. I was like 16, had never done drugs, and was like “whaaaat? Are you crazy?” They let me go but told me not to come back for 3 months. I worked in that mall though so I ignored them.