Dated: 2024-12-05. Added: 2024-12-05. Alternate title: “After UnitedHealthcare CEO’s Killing, Americans Express Frustration With Health Insurance Industry”.

      3 months ago

      No, people keep expecting the democrats to actually support policies and do what is fucking necessary to protect the well being and ensure a strong middle class.

      • democrats had the option to kill the filibuster to get laws passed. they chose not to.
      • democrats had the option it ignore the parliamentarian when it came to minimum wage increase. they chose not to.
      • democrats had the option to pack the SCOTUS to resolve roe v wade. they chose not to.
      • democrats had the option to not support a genocidal nation. they chose not to.
      • democrats had the option to not break strikes. they chose not to.

      need I go on? kindly fuck off. we have no interest in dealing with your nonsense. if democrats want to win again in the future they need to start putting forward candidates who actually are capable of getting shit done that their base want. and enjoy the master class you’re about to get from trump and friends in how government works when people in power dont make excuses.

          3 months ago

          Na fam. you don’t understand my point. now get lost cretin and take harris’ baggage with you. no one wants it and you’ve provided no new insights into the world. Everyone fully understands who and what trump is. the problem is that harris and your ilk provide nothing of value to anyone but yourselves and as a result no one likes you. Which is why you lost and sadly you’re too dense to realize it even when someone tries to explain it to you.