Linus Media Group CEO Terren Tong also responded via email, saying he was “shocked at the allegations and the company described” in Reeve’s posts. He went on to note that “as part of this process, beyond an internal review we will also be hiring an outside investigator to look into the allegations and will commit to publish the findings and implementing any corrective actions that may arise because of this.”

    2 years ago

    I remember the video that this stems from. He wasn’t exactly a “little boy”, and I don’t mean by size. I mean that he was near or at adulthood.

    Linus gave up the plaque to him realizing that he had won the auction fair and square and even plugged his channel on the video.

    We don’t know how much Linus knew about his community doing this. Scouring the comments of Mindchop’s channel shows no harassment that I can see so far. However, I do admit the harassment could have taken place through DMs and other private communication.