On October 27, 2024, two districts in the state of Tennessee called for the removal of various manga titles from school libraries. The series, among which are beloved franchises like Jujutsu Kaisen, My Hero Academia, and Attack on Titan, were deemed inappropriate for children. The government officials who approved the mandate determined that the manga series violated the state’s Age-Appropriate Materials Act.
First they came for the weebs
“I did not speak up, for I am a man of culture who would not read shōnen trash.”
We should protect the Shonen trash so that the filthy Shonen fan bases don’t come to our series and spew shit in our discussions.
Everything changed when the Kakao corporation DMCA claimed.
Aren’t those specifically made for teenagers?
Also: this is what happens when you don’t show up to elections local or otherwise.
They are. And it’s very telling that the “a submachine gun in the hands of a baby is perfectly fine” crowd clutches their pearls when there’s violence in mangas. Of course, it is only a pretext for their true political goals, but the faux outrage is so transparent.