I want to duplicate an ocarina and stick them together and move and connect the two ocarina’s together with a centralized mouthpiece. Can I pay somebody to make a file for me to print at home? Thanks!
I want to duplicate an ocarina and stick them together and move and connect the two ocarina’s together with a centralized mouthpiece. Can I pay somebody to make a file for me to print at home? Thanks!
Are you trying to create an object with one mouthpiece and twice as many holes? I think I understand what you want to happen… one mouth but two unique sounds? But this is a musical instrument… if you want it to be playable and not sound like shit, you’re asking an extremely complicated task of internet strangers. It would be like asking a stranger to make a brand new musical instrument nearly from scratch
Looking to take an existing ocarina STL, duplicating it and sticking next to the other like a mirror image, then having a single mouthpiece that sends air to both bodies.