I don’t know about pleasant but I imagine breathing in nitrogen is among the least unpleasant ways to go. You first pass out and then suffocate while you’re unconscious. I believe that carbon monoxide acts in a similar fashion.
No, I don’t think it does. Carbon monoxide is actively poisonous to you while Nitrogen just displaces Oxygen.
Very relevant to all of these discussions is the fact that your body doesn’t give you a feeling of suffocation from a lack of oxygen but from an abundance of carbon dioxide. This is why if you exhale while holding your breath it provides some relief.
Carbon monoxide similarly replaces the oxygen in your red blood cells. There are even suicide tutorials online by using carbon monoxide as it’s a painless way to go.
Also, this is not advice and it’s also potenttially lethal to the people coming to save you. Don’t do it and if you do, for the very least, leave a sign warning others about it.
I don’t know about pleasant but I imagine breathing in nitrogen is among the least unpleasant ways to go. You first pass out and then suffocate while you’re unconscious. I believe that carbon monoxide acts in a similar fashion.
No, I don’t think it does. Carbon monoxide is actively poisonous to you while Nitrogen just displaces Oxygen.
Very relevant to all of these discussions is the fact that your body doesn’t give you a feeling of suffocation from a lack of oxygen but from an abundance of carbon dioxide. This is why if you exhale while holding your breath it provides some relief.
I figured that, in addition to no feeling of suffocation, nitrous oxide would also provide a righteous high.
Carbon monoxide similarly replaces the oxygen in your red blood cells. There are even suicide tutorials online by using carbon monoxide as it’s a painless way to go.
Also, this is not advice and it’s also potenttially lethal to the people coming to save you. Don’t do it and if you do, for the very least, leave a sign warning others about it.