• solsangraal@lemmy.zip
    2 months ago

    when is this stupid “we need to sit down and ‘talk to nazis’ in order to change their minds” attitude going to finally fucking die?

    we’ve been way too fucking tolerant of that shit for way too many years, and thanks to that, we’re living in a fascist country now. excuse me, but fuck that shit.

    fuck trump, fuck everyone who voted for him, fuck everyone who voted third party, and fuck everyone who didn’t vote. the time for trying to “understand” and “engage” cultists who literally throw away any viewpoint they don’t like as “fake news” is long fucking past.

    this stupid bullshit is why we got trump the first time AND now.

    edit: the only reason biden won 2020 was because of trump’s absolute-worst-fucking-possible response to covid, which would have been fucking hilarious if so many innocent people didn’t have to die from it