Obviously this is for both, men and women, you know, the song “if I was a rich man” and i saw the meme with…

sigh just answer the question

  • beliquititious
    3 months ago

    Oh darling, if I had real money, I would use it to sow chaos and undermine the world’s financial markets.

    But most of all, if I have to live in this bullsh!t cyberpunk reality, we might as well have shadowrunners/Edgerunners/mercs. So I’d recruit as many paramilitary mercenaries as I could find and set them on the task of sabotaging critical corporate infrastructure, kidnapping any oligarchs we could find vulnerabilities for, and doing brazen, overt terrorism kind of stuff.

    The idea being if I can cause enough chaos perhaps the people of the world might finally have enough and force change for the ultra wealthy.