• undergroundoverground@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    Capital will always side with the far right and the far right will always mobilise on their behalf.

    Fascism is just capitalism when you try to say no. I mean that literally too. Fascism rose as a direct response to socialism (people trying to say no to capitalism). In Europe, wealthy landowners and the aristocracy funded and empowered these groups, terrified that they might lose their power. The CIA have been finding far right groups all over the world for decades too.

    Despite what they tell you, at its heart, the far right ideology is corporatism: a corporate state (the true antithesis of lefism is privately owning the means of production and the community, as a whole). After all, what’s more top-down, ubermen watching over the lowers, ruthless, “traditional” value, established power, amoral, consumed with greed and the will to dominate than a corporation, left with no oversight?