It was on my list because of the soundtrack, so when I didn’t hear the iconic track at all during the movie I looked it up.

Turns out that there is a re-scored version with a completely different soundtrack, and that was the version we got…

. Featuring an exclusive new soundtrack curated by Zane Lowe.

I will be watching this movie again next weekend, with the proper soundtrack

    3 months ago

    It is so good, I don’t qualify myself as an avid reader, the book I read before was Dracula from Bram Stoker, and the one before it… I can’t even remember lol.

    But with this book I have been hooked from the beginning I think I started it last week, and I am more than half of it, for my reading habits I would say I am doing fairly well.

    I am aware the Wheel of Time has a huge amount of books, so good luck with that haha.