One constant in our ongoing civilization is a continuous branching of complexity. Assuming civ continues, how does your entertainment become more tailored to you as you imagine it?

Decades ago I wanted a game where a world building economy game, industry and domestic simulators, real time war strategy, and a first person shooter that bridges to an adventure/explorer were all combined into one. This is a game where all of these roles could be filled by autonomous AI characters, but where recruiting and filling roles creates dynamic complexity that is advantageous for all. Each layer of gameplay dictates the constraints of the next while interactions across layers are entertaining and engaging for all.

It does not need to be gaming. What can you imagine for entertainment with tailored complexity?

    3 个月前

    I don’t think that being incorrect about something is bad in itself as long as one is not intentionally spreading disinformation. If one is confidently incorrect then they’re probably going to get a reply from someone else who is confidently correct. I’m not so much imagining a tool like this to create a social media experience free of mis- and disinformation but rather just make it a nicer place for people to be while at the same time encouragining reasonability and intellectual honesty.