Here in the USA, you have to be afraid for your job these days. Layoffs are rampant everywhere due to outsourcing, and now we have AI on the horizon promising to make things more efficient, but we really know what it is actually going to be used for. They want automate out everything. People packaging up goods for shipping, white collar jobs like analytics, business intelligence, customer service, chat support. Any sort of job that takes a low or moderate amount of effort or intellectual ability is threatened by AI. But once AI takes all these jobs away and shrinks the amount of labor required, what are all these people going to do for work? It’s not like you can train someone who’s a business intelligence engineer easily to go do something else like HVAC, or be a nurse. So you have the entire tech industry basically folding in on itself trying to win the rat race and get the few remaining jobs left over…

But it should be pretty obvious that you can’t run an entire society with no jobs. Because then people can’t buy groceries, groceries don’t sell so grocery stores start hurting and then they can’t afford to employ cashiers and stockers, and the entire thing starts crumbling. This is the future of AI, basically. The more we automate, the less people can do, so they don’t have jobs and no income, not able to survive…

Like, how long until we realize how detrimental AI is to society? 10 years? 15?

  • VerticaGG
    2 months ago

    Distracted by media and a market of commodities 
    We’re just resources, units for their economy

    And they want technology that’ll make us obsolete 
    I mean why pay for workers when you can automate machines
    yeah we’re being ruled by other human beings 
    who seem to have forgotten what that means

    we’re hamsters on a wheel we’re a human fucking farm
    And they’ve worked us to the bone we’re all weathered and worn

    Every Empire on this Earth has fallen…and Floating very much is not flying. 🎵

    And so as to not leave you with a Gordion Knot:

    The structures of our state economies are going to matter in terms of protecting democracies, and by that I mean if you look at economies that were based in the kind of small producer economies like New England was vs states like the South and the American West that were always built on the idea of very high capital using extractive methods to get resources out of the land either cotton or mining or oil or water or agri business, those economies always depend on a few people with a lot of money, and then a whole bunch of people who are poor and doing the work for those Rich guys – and that I’m not sure is compatible in terms of governance without addressing the reality that you know if people have more of a foothold in their own communities, they are then more likely to support the kinds of legislation that Community [Education, Healthcare, …] and that may be the future of democracy, if not a national democracy.”

    ^ Heather Cox Richardson, professor of American history

    “Practicing mutual aid is the surest means for giving each other and to all the greatest safety, the best guarantee of existence and progress, bodily, intellectually and morally.”

    Mutual Aid By Pëtr Kropotkin

    Solidarity Economies, and Mutualism, will be the way forward.

    To follow Corporate and their bought-out state institutions is to to walk willing into one’s own ruin.