Democrats should hire a staffer to stand outside of the women bathroom at the capital and have them accuse every GOP women of being a man before they go to the bathroom.
They want to play these games? Let’s show them what their crazy looks like
Shows who paid attention during school. You can have XY chromosomes and be born with a vagina, no genitalia, or both. You can have XX chromosomes and be born with a penis, no genitalia, or both. So biological women doesn’t mean anything in the context they are using it.
These are the same people who’d say “stop lying, you look too manly to be a trans!!!1!1!!”
AOC put it nicely, the GQP wants to do a genital check on every woman and girl that dares to go into a restroom. Can’t we just make private stalls open to anyone?
Democrats should hire a staffer to stand outside of the women bathroom at the capital and have them accuse every GOP women of being a man before they go to the bathroom.
They want to play these games? Let’s show them what their crazy looks like
Need a big scary FTM trans man with a beard to loiter in the women’s washroom because they have a vagina downstairs.
It’s all about the “biology” right??
Shows who paid attention during school. You can have XY chromosomes and be born with a vagina, no genitalia, or both. You can have XX chromosomes and be born with a penis, no genitalia, or both. So biological women doesn’t mean anything in the context they are using it.
These are the same people who’d say “stop lying, you look too manly to be a trans!!!1!1!!”
AOC put it nicely, the GQP wants to do a genital check on every woman and girl that dares to go into a restroom. Can’t we just make private stalls open to anyone?