Ursula Haverbeck, a prominent Holocaust denier in Germany, died at 96 while appealing a conviction for inciting hatred.
She was repeatedly convicted for denying the Holocaust and served two years in prison.
Somehow read invertebrate, which kinda checks out given that arse doesn’t have a spine.
Evil is a great preservative. Take trump for instance, he has a diet of pure sodium and will probably live till 90.
and nothing of value was lost
Rest in piss
She lived through the war?? I take it she wasn’t one of the Germans the Americans took to the camps and rubbed their noses in the genocide then. I’m also pretty sure she wasn’t on the Russian occupied side, considering she lived to 96 and not 16
She was the widow of a Nazi party leader.
And she knew we knew she knew.
Just too proud of a bitch to admit to having been on the wrong side of anything.
Like >60% of humanity suffer from that, at least. 100% of people some time, some people 100% of the time.
Oh right I forgot Nazis are just fuckin trolls. She knew what they did and was only disappointed they couldn’t do more. Shame they didn’t let ladies fight on the eastern front.
I don’t believe she’s actually dead
She didn’t die; she’s just fine. It’s all a tenacious lie!
I hope she suffered