• Allonzee@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    No. Of course not!

    Failing to Reject the Reagan Revolution, and mass embrace of the Jack Welsh style “trickle down” economics lie, by BOTH parties was the point of no return, almost half a century ago at this point. This car was already totaled.

    Citizens United years later was just a victory lap by the owners pissing on the long dead corpse of the dream of societal equity.

    Trump is just another symptom of that intransigent reality we all live in.

    I’d say hope for collapse, as painful as it is, to have any hope for a better life for our children, maybe, but oligarch greed made climate change and at this point inevitable ecological collapse in the coming decades means there really isn’t hope for a better society/civilization for generations(if they eventually develop technologies to better cope with the new hellish climate reality) if at all.