I once thought it might be an idea to try and back off from 100mg sertraline to 50mg sertraline and on day two I wanted to strangle people. You can take my SSRIs from my cold dead hands.
How are you going to kill yourself with your own cold dead hands? That implies you’re already dead. I guess you could chop them off and strangely yourself with them. That’d be pretty gruesome, but you do you I guess.
Uh yeah, no.
I once thought it might be an idea to try and back off from 100mg sertraline to 50mg sertraline and on day two I wanted to strangle people. You can take my SSRIs from my cold dead hands.
Yeah, I’m on 300mg sertraline daily, and I sometimes have trouble getting my prescription filled (understandable, it’s a way bigger dose than usual)
But if I’m not on it, the suicidal thoughts usually start on day 3
So if they were to take my SSRIs, I would quickly be killed by my own cold, dead hands
I’m going to try and write on my brain to turn those thoughts entirely on the people who decided I shouldn’t get my meds anymore.
How are you going to kill yourself with your own cold dead hands? That implies you’re already dead. I guess you could chop them off and strangely yourself with them. That’d be pretty gruesome, but you do you I guess.
New level of “the stranger” achieved. Your own severed dead hand.
“Have you tried going outside and snapping out of it?”
-RFK Jr., probably
So school shootings are a mental health problem, so he wants to do the opposite of help. Goddamn, make these people make sense.
He should let the brain worm get some sunlight.