So, i have 2 cats and, while one of them lose some fur the other one could fill a pillow with all the fur that she shed, even if I brush her to remove some extra fur it seems like it never ends.

They sleep on a couch that has become completely unusable due to the fact that if you sit on if you will be full of fur in no time, even after multiple vacuums it still has fur on it.

I have to always close my bedroom door to avoid them going on the sheets because if they do when I do the laundry the hair will spread to everything in the washing machine, even if I programming 2 extra rinses.

I always see people with cats have somewhat no fur on them, even with cats sleeping on the beds and on couches that seem to have the magical ability to not retain fur like magnets.

So what’s the secret? They just vacuum more then me? Is there some mystical product that helps removing hair from couches and washing machines?

    4 个月前

    My trick to not having fur on me is wearing permanent press and other sleek fabrics (spandex blends, silk type feel, or otherwise just smooth). They tend to be less… sticky? Less clingy for hair anyway. And if not those, then very fuzzy fabrics that absorb the hair until it gets washed (comes out in the dryer) or blends in and becomes part of the fabric.

    My couch is covered with a microfiber blanket with the less fuzzy side up (one side is that pilling type of soft fuzz, that side is down, the other side doesn’t pilll and has space between the fibers) and the cat hair sort of sinks into it and comes out in the dryer. I use one of those for my bed as well. It’s not perfect, but it works super well for me. I wash those blankets all at the same time so I don’t have the spreading problem I guess, it also doesn’t really come out until it gets into the dryer.