I’ll go first.

3 options

  • Going back to 1964 to watch the Duke Ellington’s Montreal show. Try to meet the man and the musicians. Hang around my city.
  • Go in the end of the 70s to meet my parents before they had kids. Grab a couple of beers and party with my young adults parents. See my uncles, etc. in their young time
  • Going to 1881 during the couple of days when Nietzsche wrote Zarathoustra. I want to discuss with guy even if he is supposed to be writing all day long. No consequence right.

What are yours?

EDIT: I’ll clarify: You can’t affect the timeline. It means you cant go back to try to get rich with stocks, lottery, etc. It’s like going to see a movie, when you come back the world will be exactly the same. You can interact with people, but in the end, the day you spend in the past will not have existed for anyone but you, in your memories.

  • 2ugly2live@lemmy.world
    4 months ago
    • Going back to slavery and beat some slave masters
    • Meet my mom when she was younger, maybe in high school. Tell her that she seems like a lovely young lady and very smart. I don’t think she heard that enough.
    • Go back to the first day I got my first cat.
    • I would like to see a royal party of some kind.
    • Go to a Shakespeare play while he was still alive.
    • Go back to where my grandma alleges she met Bill Cosby to confirm if it’s true, and, if so, punch him because apperently he was rude as hell.