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Saying burkinis are dumb is a really dumb thing to say.
For some bucket hats are dumb, but some people wear them. Not your place to judge. Also, it allows people of certain believes to have an equal access to commodities like going to a beach and go for a swim in a public.
In this regards, I would say, they are pretty smart.
Burkinis are absolutely a human horror that contradict every advamcement of women emancipation. They are the symbol of a society of apartheid in which women have fewer rights than men. But yes, people should be allowed to wear whatever they want, including nothing if it is their choice.
If somebody is forced (!) to dress in a specific way, that’s wrong. But if somebody chooses (!) to wear them for religious reasons, who am I to judge that?
My point is, there is nothing inherently wrong with burkinis - the context in which some individuals are wearing them might be wrong.
I 100% agree with you, that nobody should be forced to wear something that they don’t want to.
Not how totalitarianism works. How many Germains chose to be nazis un the 1930s? How many Russians chose to be communists in the 1950s? Totalitarian is a force that negates individual choice with a set of rules, anathemas and violence, with the ultimate objectve of a uniform society where everybody adheres to the exact same ideology. Burkinis are one of the tools used to enforce said ideology.
It isnt really a choice if the other option is being sent to prison.
I think you took it too far.
I won’t agree with you, and I don’t think there is anything positive you want to share.
You’re right. Nothing positive to say about totalitarianism.
Are you being unyieldingly obtuse on purpose or are you actually this fucking stupid?
That’s where I block you mate
Oh so you are actually this fucking stupid. Got it.
Being a Nazi and wearing a specific kind of bathing suit are two wildly different levels of social impact. Please argue in good faith next time.
OK, see you on the beach with your Nazi uniform, we’ll continue this conversationthrn
TIL believing in a woman’s freedom to choose her swimwear makes me a Nazi.
I think Crocs are a human horror…
But that’s just my opinion. Other people can wear whatever the fuck they want. I won’t judge… (out loud).
Hell, judge all you want, even. Just don’t go harassing people for wearing them and you’re well within your rights.
40% of people who buy it aren’t even Muslim,
except those who choose to wear burkinis, apparently.
Not what I wrote. I wrote it is a tool for totalitarism, not that I wanted it banned.
But it’s not. It was invented by a Lebanese woman living in Australia. She had the choice to make it and no Muslim woman is forced to wear one.
You called them a human horror. What person calls something a human horror and proceeds to do anything but advocate for a ban? What we can do is acknowledge that burkinis were created for one purpose and now people are using them for sun protection and/or personal comfort almost as much as religious suppression. Acknowledging nuance is ok, we don’t need to try to force everything to be so black and white.
What you wrote doesn’t actually matter, all the rest of us can see is:
“WHaAAa!!1 wheN WilL IT bE mY TurN To hAraSs WoMEN wHO HuRt NO onE bUt mY TINy YEt mASSiVElY overinfLATEd frAgIlE eGo”
So you can pretend to care about women all you like, but when your only argument is that you want to be the one controlling them and dictating what they wear, not those other men, you’re never actually going to fool anyone in the believing you. 🤷♀️
You tone is turning nasty, I am blocking you.
let them judge. as long as they don’t force their opinion on others; that’s good enough. Cultural difference, that’s it.