• TheFonz@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    None of this negates the initial point. Regardless of Putins feelings of insecurity, the treaty as signed. You’re right, the obbligation to adhere can be waved but the right exists nevertheless.

    Ukraine is a sovereign nation. I don’t understand the need for this incessant apologia for Russia’s actions? Oh Ukraine wants to join the EU zone? We’ll gosh darn it best not offend the big ol Russia. I suppose we should force all of Russia’s neighboring countries to surrender all their free will in exchange for some measure of security from the Kremlin because surely we can trust the Russians not to breach any treaties, right? Right?

    This is straight up Kremlin talking points.

    • FourPacketsOfPeanuts@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      Ukraine is a sovereign nation. I don’t understand the need for this incessant apologia for Russia’s actions?

      You have either been on twitter too long or some other bubble if you think anything I said was “apologia for Russia’s actions”

      It is their fault. Russia are belligerent assholes is what I’ve said elsewhere in this thread.

      One can state facts about the historical buildup, that’s not the same thing as ascribing blame.

      How else do you discuss events of history? If one misinterprets the simple examination of facts as “apologia” and “Kremlin talking points” then how do you even critically examine anything? Or do you just let your view of the world descend into cartoonish 2d generalisations?

      • TheFonz@lemmy.world
        4 months ago

        That’s fine, and I could be mistaken, but your comments seem to select for particular facts of history and seem to omit others. You started the whole thread by repeating the talking point about Ukraine’s ascension to Europe as a threat to Putin. Cool. Was it the same case with Georgia and Tranznitztria? This is a Kremlin talking point that gets thrown around non-stop. You know what this talking point successfully leaves out of the conversation? Ukraine’s agency and the people of Ukraine. It seems the choice is appease Putin endlessly or allow sovereign nations to direct their own destiny. I cannot stress how much of social media is perpetuating this talking point that because Ukraine has made decisions that don’t align with whatever hell hole is left of the USSR, they now deserve to be the victims of a military invasion. It’s exhausting.

        • FourPacketsOfPeanuts@lemmy.world
          4 months ago

          You started the whole thread by repeating the talking point about Ukraine’s ascension to Europe as a threat to Putin

          It is a threat to Putin!

          Was it the same case with Georgia and Tranznitztria?

          Yes! I went into Georgia at length here: https://lemmy.world/comment/13494524

          This is a Kremlin talking point that gets thrown around non-stop…It seems the choice is appease Putin… I cannot stress how much of social media is perpetuating this talking point that… Ukraine…now deserve to be the victims of a military invasion

          I don’t mean at all to patronise you, I assume you are an intelligent person. But have you actually read the thread of posts I’ve made from the top down to here? How did you get through university making the kind of assumptions you have and be so seemingly unaware of how objective facts can be dispassionately stated? Is the habit of reserving judgement and holding things in tension unfamiliar to you? What subject did you study?

          I opened my top comment on this thread saying Russia is the belligerent actor and it is their fault. and it is incredible how (i assume smart) people like you seem to breeze past it and then fear the worst about any comment that doesn’t say exactly what they want it to say in the exact manner they expect it, rather than taking the time to ask ‘ok, but is this unfamiliar statement actually objectively true?’

          The EU expanding to Georgia is catastrophic for Putin’s plans to manipulate the middle east. as was Yanukovych stepping down, as was Ukraine planning EU alignement. you can see that right? any no point did i ever say anything of the sort that that justified the violence they then suffered. i went out of my way to state the opposite. the former general secretary of NATO said that EU progress was the “start of the crisis”. but then he also said, and I quoted him, that that does not make it Ukraine’s fault in any way. both these things can be true at the same time! at least to anyone who hasn’t succumbed to twitter-style brainrot

          • TheFonz@lemmy.world
            4 months ago

            Yes. But you’re not adding anything new to the discourse or that we haven’t heard before. The issue is, I can’t know if you’re being intentional about it, is that sophists will take your statement about Putin feeling threatened and run with it until the night turns blue and discount everything else (especially the agency of sovereign nations). It seems to be the sole focus of your thesis here anyway. So Putin feels threatened about economic alliances on his border nations. We get it, don’t worry. Wow, how insightful.

            • FourPacketsOfPeanuts@lemmy.world
              4 months ago

              Wow, how insightful

              I will point out that this precious ‘discourse’ you are referring to was in this case started by a talking goose.

              It seems to be the sole focus of your thesis here anyway.

              You have given away plenty of signs that you have very little experience of digesting real world theses. Maybe leave this one to those who are more well read? You don’t have to go about grumpily stomping your bad faith takes over everything that confuses and upsets you…

              • TheFonz@lemmy.world
                4 months ago

                There’s no bad faith takes to be had as you added nothing new. Thanks, oh erudite historian. Thanks for the amazing insight you provided. Oh wait. Weve heard the same shit for the past two years. You really think very highly of yourself.