The nearest abortion clinic – in Chicago – was too far away and too expensive for her mother to provide her with the procedure
The nearest abortion clinic – in Chicago – was too far away and too expensive for her mother to provide her with the procedure
Wow that is some serious bullshit right there. For the rest of this girls life she is going to have to share custody with the man that raped her.
They don’t know who it was. It was a complete stranger who raped her when she was playing in her yard. The police haven’t even investigated. He’d have to come forward first.
Sounds like a middle eastern thing. Wonder what the link is.
So you see a story about sexual violence in Mississippi and your first thought is “I bet a Muslim did this.”
Makes total sense; the good ol’ Christian boys in Missisip are beyond suspicion.
I guess sarcasm doesn’t translate well over text, even in a case that I thought was clear.
The anti-abortion laws in much of the US are a pretty extreme measure to control women. The area of the world that practices the most extreme control of women is the middle east. The link between the two besides that is religious extremism, regardless of religion.
The people most afraid of “sharia law” are the ones passing sharia laws.
At no point did I intend to blame Muslims for Christians doing the exact same shit. My point was the hypocrisy of those American Christians and the direction they seem intent on pursuing.
It’s not a middle eastern thing, It stems from people in power who don’t see women as having any value, except as house slaves/property. Those people try to justify their ideas by pointing to old texts, where other similar minded people have snuck in the notions of women as property or of less value than men.
Religious fanaticism.
That’s what it has become, but I don’t think any of the old religions was founded on the oppression of women, but people in power have conveniently added that sort of thing, when religion became a tool of power
Religion was invented as a tool of power, whether used for good or bad. Don’t eat “unclean” animals because they make people sick or kill you. That message apparently didn’t work as well as “God says no”.
In Saudi Arabia she would been allowed an abortion. Saudi Arabia is literally more progressive in this area than Mississippi.
Look at that. Using Islamophobia as an excuse to be racist against several large people groups/ cultures. Such enlightenment.
No, my thought is that it sounds like religious extremism. And the principles of y’all Qaeda aren’t much different from the terrorists they claim to hate.