You can already replace your own iPhone battery without any technical expertise. I hope the law is more specific than that, because there are many things OEMs can do to comply and still make it a giant pain in the ass to do.
Technical expertise includes really basic things like being comfortable using a screwdriver on delicate equipment. Lots of people lack that level of expertise.
You can already replace your own iPhone battery without any technical expertise. I hope the law is more specific than that, because there are many things OEMs can do to comply and still make it a giant pain in the ass to do.
Can you, though? No, you can’t. Its really hard to get right and super easy to fuck up. Source: Me.
So is changing out any part on your car. It remains to be seen how this is applied.
With my shaky hands and clumsiness? I’d kill my phone just by touching the innards.
Technical expertise includes really basic things like being comfortable using a screwdriver on delicate equipment. Lots of people lack that level of expertise.